Comprehensive Urology is among the nation’s premier experts in the treatment of prostate cancer, which affects nearly 3 million American men. While it’s not uncommon for men with prostate cancer to show none of the regular symptoms (which can include blood in the urine, difficulty urinating, pain in the pelvis or back while urinating, andRead More
6 Famous Men Who Have Dealt with Prostate Cancer
It’s not uncommon upon hearing a diagnosis as serious as cancer for you to feel you’re alone. For men with prostate cancer, the diagnosis can feel even more isolating. For many men, cancer of the prostate is not an issue they want to talk about, so they deal with it alone. But, as the secondRead More
Incontinent? You’re Not Alone – Here Are 5 Celebrities You Might Be Surprised to Learn Live with Incontinence
Despite recent TV advertisements in Los Angeles featuring the glamorous Brooke Burke-Charvet that show otherwise, incontinence is not easy to discuss. It’s one of the taboos that is rarely talked about, even in private. And there’s a good reason. No one wants to discuss urine leakage issues. Though it’s often a consequence of aging, it’sRead More
Reduce Your Risk of Prostate Cancer by Maintaining a Healthy Diet
A poor diet can easily be linked to health concerns such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, even colon cancer. And although the true relationship between nutrition and prostate cancer is not yet conclusive, more and more evidence suggests that good nutrition is a vital part of every prostate cancer prevention plan in Los Angeles.Read More
How Robotic Surgery Is Changing the Face of Prostate Cancer Treatment
The expert urologists at Comprehensive Urology in Beverly Hills constantly strive to provide men with the best prostate cancer care possible. From screening and diagnosis to treatment and aftercare, we always have our patients’ health and quality of life in mind. The most common traditional prostate cancer treatment is surgery because of its track recordRead More
Avoid These Prostate Cancer Risk Factors
Once a man hits middle age, the prospect of prostate cancer looms larger with each passing year. It’s one of the most common cancers among men in Los Angeles and worldwide, and, except for lung and bronchus cancer, it is men’s deadliest cancer. Through years of research and clinical studies, a variety of risk factorsRead More
Active Surveillance: What Is It and Who Is a Candidate?
Prostate cancer is among the slowest growing of all cancers; thus, a diagnosis does not automatically mean reduced life expectancy. Many treatments are available at the Prostate Cancer Institute of Los Angeles, including whole gland procedures and focal treatments. The former includes aggressive therapies such as surgery or radiation while the latter group comprises lessRead More
How REZUM Can Help Treat BPH
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the medical name for an enlarged prostate gland that occurs with age, which is believed to affect nearly half of all men aged 70 or older. Although it is not cancerous in nature and is not a “serious” problem for most men, it can disrupt your life very significantly. Fortunately,Read More
Help Fight Urinary Incontinence with Kegel Exercises
At Comprehensive Urology in Beverly Hills, one issue that our patients frequently share their concerns about is incontinence. Although rarely a major medical concern, it is often a source of major social embarrassment. The board-certified urologists at Comprehensive Urology understand this. We also know that, while various treatments are available to address a leaky bladder,Read More
You’ve Been Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer – Now What?
First of all, a diagnosis is not the end of the world. Although the dreaded “C-word” diagnosis can be shocking, it’s important not to panic; your mindset will be the key to both a good prognosis and successful recovery. Millions of men have beaten prostate cancer and many millions more will, as well. Let’s makeRead More