The Biggest Trends in Urology for 2016

Urology has seen a number of advances when it comes to diagnosing and treating urologic conditions with better accuracy and improved outcomes in the past. The next year is promising to be even bigger as the latest technologies in the field of urology become more readily available. Board-certified urologist and founder of Comprehensive Urology in Los Angeles, Dr. Kia Michel, highlights the top trends in urology among doctors and patients for the next year.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) – This minimally-invasive treatment designed to treat prostate cancer uses high frequency ultrasound waves to kill cancer cells, thereby protecting the surrounding healthy tissue. Surgeons have better visibility and control when performing the treatment than with other methods and can significantly reduce recovery time for patients.

The Urolift System – The most minimally invasive treatment available for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), the Urolift System offers permanent relief of urinary obstruction without having to undergo surgery. The procedure is performed in-office and completed the same day, allowing patients to return to the comfort of home without needing a catheter.

ThemiVa – ThermiVa is a revolutionary treatment for women that tightens loose tissue and muscle in the vaginal canal and inner labia with thermistor-regulated radiofrequency energy. The ThermiVa device is a smooth and shaped specifically to target internal or external anatomical features comfortably. A full treatment includes a series of three sessions that last no more than 30 minutes each. The procedure can tighten skin and muscle tissue, improve nerve function, and increase the number of blood vessels in the vaginal canal and labia.

“ThermiVa is a breakthrough solution to a problem that many people don’t know about,” add Dr. Michel. “Having children, weight fluctuations, and other medical conditions can cause vaginal muscles and skin tissue to become stretched or weakened, resulting in a number of uncomfortable or painful problems. With ThermiVa, our patients find relief from incontinence, reduced sexual satisfaction, and physical discomfort.”

Robotic Prostatectomy – When it is necessary to remove a patient’s prostate, whether treating cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia, the da Vinci robotic system is the least invasive option. Surgeons have incredible visual clarity and control, resulting in precise removal of cancer tissue and reduced recovery times.

Vasectomy with Spermatic Cord Block – In many cases, men who undergo a vasectomy typically recover completely in a matter of weeks, however, for those that suffering from chronic testicular pain, a spermatic cord block can provide much needed relief. The procedure simply blocks nerve signals sent from the spermatic cord to the brain, prevengint the patient from experiencing pain.

Robotic Vaginal Vault Suspension – A robot-assisted procedure that is designed to reverse the effects of vaginal vault prolapse that may occur due to childbirth, weight gain, strenuous activities, or with age. The procedure provides permanent support for the bladder, uterus, and vagina with surgical mesh.

Microscopic Assisted Varicocelectomy – This procedure requires only small incisions and microscopic magnification of the operating field in order for surgeons to perform a complex treatment on the swollen varicoceles veins. The surrounding tissue is left untouched. Less incisions or physical damage to the surgical site allows patients to enjoy less pain and quicker recovery times.

Cosmetic Urologic Surgeries – With the latest technology, patients can undergo elective adult circumcisions, scrotal lifts, and vagina makeovers to correct cosmetic issues safely and effectively. Since the procedures typically do not require extensive recovery time, they are becoming more popular and more socially acceptable.

“In the past, patients may have felt too embarrassed or self-conscious to seek treatment for cosmetic urologic issues,” added Dr. Michel. “Fortunately, we can offer a variety of treatments that are not only safe and effective, but provide amazing results.”

Percutaneous Renal Tumor Ablations – Using only radiofrequency waves delivered with a series of needles, kidney tumors can be successfully targeted and destroyed. The procedure has fewer complication rates and requires much less downtime as healthy tissue is protected, preserving kidney function.

Intravesical Botox Therapy – Botox injections can be used to relieve the symptoms of overactive bladders or painful bladder syndrome. Botox relaxes the bladder muscles and nerves for a period of months, providing better bladder control and fewer accidents.

Schedule a Consultation with Comprehensive Urology Today

If you or a loved one is struggling with a urological condition, effective treatment is available. To learn more about the services and treatments available at Comprehensive Urology in Los Angeles, please do not hesitate to contact us to set up a consultation.

Next, read Why Do Adult Men Get Circumcised?

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