Knowing the Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer endangers the lives of thousands of men every year. Thanks to the advances in modern medical treatments, there are more effective treatments possible than ever. Treatments are determined by the stage of a patient’s testicular cancer and by which paths are deemed the most effective. Being diagnosed with testicular cancer can be an intimidating development for anyone, but being proactive and seeking out the potential signs of testicular cancer is far more effective than waiting for a diagnosis coming by chance.

Whether you are at a high likelihood of contracting cancer due to genetics or lifestyle, or believe that you are not at risk of suffering from the condition, it is in your best interest to stay aware of the disease’s indicators.

Find the Signs of Testicular Cancer and Stay Safe

The sooner testicular cancer is treated, the better a patient’s chances are of surviving and suffering the fewest side effects from treatment. However, cancer can only be treated once it is diagnosed. It is up to each person to stay aware of the signs of testicular cancer and to visit a skilled medical professional for a diagnosis. Unfortunately, many people do not know about symptoms that may indicate the presence of cancer.

Knowing the signs of testicular cancer can save lives. If you are suffering from any of the following signs, it may mean that you have the disease. The symptoms that indicate testicular cancer include:

  • Testicle enlargement, which can be caused by a cyst or fluid buildup
  • A lump or small area of hardness on the side of a testicle
  • Pain or discomfort, with or without swelling, in the testicle or scrotum
  • Change in the way a testicle feels
  • Testicle shrinking, or the shrinking of one and the enlargement of the other testicle
  • Heaviness in the scrotum due to swelling and fluid buildup
  • Dull aching in the groin or lower abdomen
  • Tenderness or growth in the breast area
  • Swelling of one or both of the legs due to a blood clot
  • Shortness of breath due to a blood clot stemming from cancer
  • Sudden fluid buildup in the scrotum

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, it is vital that you seek out the help of a skilled urologist as soon as possible. Only a trained medical professional can determine if you have testicular cancer and what stage the disease is at. The sooner you undergo a diagnosis, the sooner you can receive effective urological treatment.

Skilled Help for Testicular Cancer in Beverly Hills

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with testicular cancer, or if you are currently suffering from signs that indicate the condition, you should not hesitate to get in touch with a skilled urologist. The medical team at Comprehensive Urology has helped countless patients both understand and successfully fight back against the disease. To learn more about how we can help you, contact our skilled urologists online or call (310) 499-2756 and schedule a consultation as soon as possible.

Next read more about Prostate Cancer and Treatment with ADT – What you Need to Know

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