The best and most effective form of prostate cancer treatment begins with diagnosis. When doctors diagnose prostate cancer, they evaluate the range and extent of the disease and determine the appropriate treatment methods. The Prostate Cancer Institute of LA use new and state-of-the-art screening methods to properly diagnose and treat a patient’s cancer. If you wouldRead More
Four Easy Ways to Help Avoid Prostate Cancer
Even though prostate cancer is one of the most common diseases in men, there are ways to help avoid the condition. By eating right, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and exercising often, patients can reduce the chance of developing the disease. The Prostate Cancer Institute of LA have come up with four ways to help avoid prostateRead More
Studies Show How Smoking Increases Risks for Bladder Cancer
There is a definite link between smoking and more harmful health effects, according to two recent studies showcased at the annual Society for Urologic Oncology Conference. Studies by the international group of investigators have shown that after diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer, there are significant increased risks of recurrence, disease progression, and survival. InRead More
Treatment Options After Diagnosis of BPH
There are a number of treatment options available for you if you have been diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This common condition affects almost half of men in their 50s and most men by 80 years old. There have been many advancements over the years regarding BPH, so there are a variety of medicationRead More