There is no perfect diet for urinary heath, but often what you eat can make a big impact on your urinary health and incontinence symptoms. At Comprehensive Urology, we realize that a healthy urological system is dependent on good food and a smart intake of drinks. To learn more about good nutrition for urinary health,Read More
Nutrition for Urinary Health
There is no perfect diet for urinary heath, but often what you eat can make a big impact on your urinary health and incontinence symptoms. At Comprehensive Urology, we realize that a healthy urological system is dependent on good food and a smart intake of drinks. To learn more about good nutrition for urinary health,Read More
Nutrition for Urinary Health
There is no perfect diet for urinary heath, but often what you eat can make a big impact on your urinary health and incontinence symptoms. At Comprehensive Urology, we realize that a healthy urological system is dependent on good food and a smart intake of drinks. To learn more about good nutrition for urinary health,Read More
Nutrition for Urinary Health
There is no perfect diet for urinary heath, but often what you eat can make a big impact on your urinary health and incontinence symptoms. At Comprehensive Urology, we realize that a healthy urological system is dependent on good food and a smart intake of drinks. To learn more about good nutrition for urinary health,Read More
The Basics of Prostate Cancer Grading and Staging
When diagnosed with prostate cancer, patients are evaluated based on multiple parameters, including the grade and stage of their cancer. Many people, however, are unaware of what “grading and staging” means, or how these factors are determined by their urologist. When grading a patient’s prostate cancer, urologists determine the aggressiveness of the cancer cells. Staging,Read More
Living With Prostate Cancer
Living with prostate cancer can be a very stressful experience. Making treatment decisions, worrying about possible side effects, and trying to stay healthy after treatment can be difficult. But thanks to new surgical treatment methods and better technology, patients with prostate cancer have a better chance of survival than ever before. In fact, more thanRead More
Why You Should Care About Cancer Screenings
At Comprehensive Urology, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the best and most effective cancer treatments available. One of the key steps in cancer treatment is screening. If detected early, most urologic cancers are curable. Though cancer screening may seem frightening, it is incredibly useful in identifying cancer early, thus allowing for theRead More
Things to Know About Incontinence
Urinary incontinence (involuntary loss of urine) is an embarrassing condition that affects millions of people in the United States. In addition to causing physical distress, it can also have negative effects on a patient’s self-confidence, image, and overall well-being. Because incontinence can be embarrassing, many patients who suffer from the condition are reluctant to seekRead More
Kidney Stone Prevention in Three Easy Steps
Kidney stones can be many things – painful, uncomfortable, embarrassing. They can prevent urine from draining out of the kidney, and, in certain cases, may even require medical treatment to be removed from the body. But in addition to all these qualities, kidney stones can also be avoidable. It’s estimated that nearly 10% of allRead More
Five Ways to Help Prevent Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among men in the United States, with over 200,000 patients diagnosed with the disease a year. Although there is no way to completely prevent prostate cancer, there are many ways that a patient can reduce his or her risk of developing the disease, most importantly throughRead More