The Modern Benefits of MRI TrueBeam Therapy

Prostate cancers affect thousands of men every year. While advancements in modern medical treatment have helped vastly increase survival rates, many men still struggle with their condition and the complications that arise after treatment. For many patients, prostate gland issues become a main obstacle on the road to recovery after treatment, as most modern techniques affect the gland as a whole, rather than only targeting cancerous tissue. However, recent advancements can mean a world of difference in effectively treating prostate carcinoma and recovering afterward.

MRI TrueBeam Therapy provides a focused form of treatment that results in high rates of success while making the path to recovery far easier than other forms of care. By understanding the benefits of this treatment, you can make an informed and successful decision regarding your prostate cancer.

What is IMRT Radiation Therapy?

Unlike normal TrueBeam Therapy, MRI TrueBeam Therapy uses intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in order to focus treatment solely on cancer within the prostate gland. By doing so, doctors can avoid over-treating the gland. Through the use of a dynamic MRI study, the entire prostate can be digitally mapped so that medical professionals will understand the size and scope of the cancer in need of treatment.

Patients who undergo MRI TrueBeam Therapy for prostate cancer can avoid many side effects of treatments while receiving its many benefits, including:

  • Complete Treatment – The TrueBeam is designed to apply radiation therapy directly to all cancer affecting the prostate. Because the system maps out the entire prostate and also performs accuracy checks, patients can be assured that treatment will be applied to all cancerous tissue and not just the healthy parts of the prostate gland.
  • Faster Surgery – Most forms of cancer treatments and radiosurgery can take up to one hour to complete. MRI TrueBeam will only take a few minutes while still providing more effective treatment and allowing for a shorter recovery time.
  • Function Preservation – One of the most difficult side effects of prostate cancer treatment is that the many functions associated with the prostate can be negatively affected. Because MRI TrueBeam avoids overtreating and affecting healthy tissue, patients have a much higher chance of preserving bowel, urinary, and sexual function.

Like all medical procedures, it takes the help of a skilled medical professional with years of experience to get the most out of MRI TrueBeam therapy. By finding a radiation oncologist who has years of experience with TrueBeam, you can find the best chances of success in treating your condition.

Learn more about IMRT radiation therapy by visiting

Finding Help from a Skilled Cancer Specialist in Beverly Hills

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with prostate cancer or believe that you may be suffering from the condition, you deserve the best treatment possible for the sake your long term wellbeing. Get in touch with the experienced surgeons at the Prostate Cancer Institute of LA today by contacting us today. With MRI TrueBeam and a wide host of advanced medical treatments available, we can provide you with skilled treatment tailored for your exact needs.

Next, read about the Best Ways to Detect Prostate Cancer.

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